Songs are worth $1.29. Please buy recorded music.


I drink a ton of coffee most days. Usually I grind and brew it at home and take it with me in a thermal container, if necessary.

Today I splurged and used an old gift card to buy a venti latte with one packet of raw sugar. Was $5.13, handmade, tasty and satisfying. Gave me a nice coffee buzz as I was ghost writing a guest column. It’s gone now.

But that song I bought for .99 or $1.29 the other day, that’s still giving me joy. Same with the digital albums. They give me joy day after day, week after week, year after year. A song to play for life for $1.29. Against $5.13 for one coffee? Yet some don’t want to pay.

I get it. Napster. And now Spotify and others have convinced many that music fans don’t need to buy recorded music from their favorite artists to help them pay for studio time, a recording engineer, musicians, lunch, etc. Instead they can just send $9.99 a month to Spotify etc.

Insane, but true. Please buy recorded music. ✌🏼