You Were a Good Month April 2018! ❤️

Live365 Analytics
Twitter analytics April 2018

A quarter million impressions! Almost. We didn't quite get there in April but 234,000 tweet impressions is our best monthly reach to date. 🤓 Thank you artists, friends, supporters and enthusiasts in the Twitterverse (you know who you are).

We also changed providers for our royalty payments to the performance rights organizations. We were with for years. They were internet radio pioneers and made it possible for small webcasters to get legal. It's an important topic that I may address in a separate blog. 

Anyway we're now with and are impressed with the service so far.  The players are better and the analytics are far superior.  We started testing the Live365 platform 10 days ago and so far around 1400 listeners. Most of you are in the U.S. but France, Germany, United Kingdom and Spain are in the house too.